Getting Unstuck: One of the Keys to Mastering YOUR Life

Getting Unstuck

INSIDE: Getting unstuck can keep impossible at times, but all it takes is a shift in perspective. Use this exercise to get things moving forward and discover one of the keys to mastering your life.

Everything is a perspective in life! As I’ve written and dedicated a chapter to in my book, Oh, No! Not Another Learning Experience, everything is energy – your clothing, your house, car, words, and thoughts. YOU are energy!

When you feel stuck, you’re not really stuck. You’re recreating the same experience over and over again – you are repeating and not conscious of any other way.

Essentially, you are in need of a new perspective.

Perspective Can Keep Us Stuck

As I have learned often in my life, it is our perspective that can keep us in a rut, creating a lack of desire and hope versus opening a new way to view the situation.

I was fortunate to have a special guide share his wisdom with me years ago, so that I could navigate life with confidence and open-mindedness. Getting unstuck begins with the intention and the quest for information in life that leads us to our answers, and the search often requires us to “move the bench” to view and alter the outcome.

Be Careful What You Say

Here’s what I see as one of the keys to getting unstuck, and ultimately, to self-mastery in life…

Stop saying you’re stuck.

Your words are energy – this is a Universal law. What you focus on, will be your life. Your life is your perspective turned outward.

Life is a Reflection of What’s Inside

It’s so essential to recognize that everything is a projection from inside to outside. We’re so steeped in believing that anything outside of us isn’t connected. But the reality it, everything is connected. It’s all a reflection, as I’m sure you’ve heard before.

An Exercise to Go From Stuck to Mastering Your Life

It’s so common to feel stuck, but with some simple strategies, we have the ability to not only get unstuck, but to move toward life mastery. Try this exercise…

  1. Hold up a mirror.

  2. Say the following out loud or in silence (whichever makes you more comfortable as its the act of doing that counts):

    ”The only constant is change – everything is working for me – even if it’s what needs to change, it’s for me and I am blessed. Everything is a perspective, a viewpoint, and may not be my truth unless I choose to make it mine. I’m moving forward (as I can’t possibly go backward) and I’m supported. There is a realm of loving spirits that have my back always. Life is a series of opportunities and synchronicities. I now think of it as if things are constantly moving and shifting – which is why nothing is stuck, and I have this great power as the creator of my reality.”

  3. Now write down the situation that is troubling you and ask yourself the following questions:

    • What do I really think about my particular situation? What do I expect at this point?

    • What habits or patterns would I like to change to improve the situation?


Just allow yourself to invite these questions in and explore your answers, no matter if you think you can or can’t do it.

What we think, see, and feel are patterns – they are our beliefs, our perspective – and everyone has them, so don’t feel that you’re the only one or that you’re wrong to have them.

These perspectives are what you project out into the world. It’s what becomes your reality.

​Be Open to Changing Just One Belief

Long ago, when people thought the Earth was flat, in their quest to discover, they learned otherwise. Today we have a new science called Quantum Mechanics. It didn’t open to us until we were ready to discover and see differently.

Getting unstuck involves being open enough to change just one stream of thinking or belief.

So, when you say “I’m stuck,” what you’re really saying is, “I haven’t had any new feelings or ways of thinking, being, or expecting” – so naturally, you keep repeating what is happening over and over again.

I’ve learned to ask more on autopilot these days, “what illusion or belief isn’t working now?” I also like to sometimes explore where the feeling or thought came from and why I own it.

You don’t need to do this, but I believe it personally and professionally helps me to understand more. I also ask the question when working with clients and most times the response is, that’s a good question, they hadn’t thought about it. It’s what I call “food for thought.”


Final Thoughts

Take what you have written down and turn it into a positive new statement.

This is about thinking, feeling and expecting. That’s the game you must master for getting unstuck.

Where will you put your new focus, your new perspective and intention? Give your energy, attention, and your expectation to what you want and what you desire.

Make it a mantra and tell it to the Universe – maybe out loud – and with gusto, with everything you’ve got. Say it like you mean it and feel it!

Now you know one of the keys to Mastering Your Life!

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