While conventional medicine tends to look at health conditions as separate issues in the body, Holistic Medicine views every aspect of the body, mind, and emotions as an integrated whole.

In doing so, we can uncover the root of the problem and improve health in a gentle and sustainable way. The treatments used assist the body in boosting its own natural healing abilities.

Through the use of various holistic medicine modalities, we can recalibrate any imbalances in the body’s energy field, thereby achieving greater balance in life and relief from physical, mental, and emotional ailments.


Homeopathic remedies are energy-based holistic medicines that are derived from natural resources to stimulate the body’s ability to heal itself. Personally matched to each person’s unique imbalance, they stimulate the vital life force in the body.

Homeopathy works for any age, it’s safe and effective, and it can be used while on other medications or to wean off of medications.

Common illnesses that can be effectively treated with Homeopathy include: fibromyalgia, arthritis, migraines, PMS, menopause, ulcers, herpes, weight management, allergies, ADD/ADHD, back pain, sports injuries, warts, sleep disorders, skin issues, panic disorder, depression, grief, genetic history such as cancer and diabetes, and so much more.


Gemmotherapy is a type of homeopathy that uses buds and young shoots of trees and shrubs containing the concentrated power of a the plant. You might call it a “vitality concentrate,” as it is richer in many of the substances that disappear after a plant reaches a certain point in growth. 

This underutilized yet potent type of herbal holistic medicine enhances organ function, tissue regeneration, and toxin elimination. It supports and heals the immune system while resolving chronic symptoms and acute infections.

Gemmotherapy is effective for a wide range of applications and since its properties remain stable over time, it has an extended shelf life. 


The genetic blueprint contains many genes that promote health as well as many genes that cause disease.  This technology has the capacity to interact with the genetic blueprint and target genes that produce the body's natural proteins which deliver benefits to promote health as well as protect against and resolve many diseases.  This is great for those who want to lose weight, better memory, migraines, psoriasis, inflammation, tumors, depression, OCD, unwanted side effects from chemo, reduce the aging process, to name a few.  It is safe and drug-free delivery system that is very effective.


Everything is energy and frequency.  We are made of atoms and molecules which constantly vibrate, making up the world we live in. When frequencies change from their optimal state — problems often occur. 

A technology that provides information of organ function, minerals, viruses, bacteria, allergies, parasites, deficiencies of vitamins and minerals and much more.  A comprehensive report includes a look at blood, chromosomes, how to support the systems through detoxification, insomnia, anxiety, etc… This uses subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals to stimulate and reactivate function and assist with pain relief for optimized health.


Everything that is alive emits electrical impulses, which have different frequencies depending on their level of health or disease.

In order to treat a disease, Rife Therapy emits low-energy electromagnetic waves to find the frequency of an ailment and then sends an electrical impulse at the same frequency to the body. This kills or disables diseased cells so that new, healthy cells can regenerate in their place.

Each signal is specific to a certain disease, such as cancer, and the frequencies for more than 700 different diseases have been discovered.

What People Are Saying


"I’ve been working with Laurie for over a year. I am against using any chemotherapy or radiation. I came to her with a tumor in my breast, allergies and digestive issues. I am happy to report that the tumor has shrunk considerably and is now benign. I am feeling better overall and very positive about my treatment. I would recommend this form of holistic medicine."

— LW, New Mexico

“Some of the issues I’ve chronically suffered my entire life are now nearly vanished. Joint pain, gastro-intestinal gas and irregularity, moodiness, all sorts of issues cleared up with the first dose. I think Laurie is brilliant – combining a very sharp, inquisitive mind with strong intuition. The process is fascinating – if you’re paying attention, you learn things about yourself that can be very useful and revealing.”

— J.F., Mashpee, ME

How will a consult go?

Here’s an example of a consultation.