What People Are Saying

“Laurie Wheeler, recognizes the ancient wisdom of seeing and treating a person in the mental, emotional, physical and energetic realms. She has helped many of my patients to understand and heal their dis-ease. I recommend her therapeutic modalities without reservation.”

— Dr. Terri Vanderlinde
Board Certified Gynecologist and Surgeon
New England Seacoast Holistic Health Association

— Kelly

“Receiving the codes I was taken to a place, in the NOW, there as the observer - able to receive what was needed to be healed, the lesson it portrayed and that it cleared and wouldn't repeat it going forward.  Felt it download to the DNA what needed to be updated and how to operate differently.  It was extremely quick and it was a smooth movement.”

— Crista, Illinois

“Laurie Wheeler is a gem and a gift to humanity.  I had my first ever past life regression with Laurie. At the start, my brain and nervous system were running at 80 mph, having just gotten off a work call.  Laurie gave me time and space to get settled, and gentle guidance to allow my mind to relax and let go of the workday.  The best way I can describe the regression experience is as curative and transformational. 

Throughout, I was fully present in my home, aware of my surroundings, embodied and feeling safe. Laurie gently and securely guided me from one “place” and “experience” to the next. It reminded me of calmly visiting vaguely familiar places with a knowing and reassuring guide who never rushes you but allows you to become reacquainted with each one. Even though Laurie was just in my headphones, I felt as if I were holding the hand of a close friend, or that special teacher I could trust and feel safe with. Laurie was also mindful of helping me move through to new aspects that would answer my questions and allow me to gain important perspective.  Laurie did a wonderful job explaining and helping me move through both “a-ha” moments and physical sensations.   

Laurie’s grounded and connected presence was instructive and validating – she held space for me to experience whatever presented itself in a way that was authentic to me. Laurie was also excellent at sensing moments when I experienced insecurity about whether “I was doing it right” and was able to help me settle more deeply into my intuition and being guided. I never felt scared or overwhelmed - only informed. I feel that I got exactly the insights and guidance I needed now, and that with time and integration this regression experience will be a gift that keeps on giving. I feel lighter, more grounded, peaceful, and calmly joyful. I also feel an enormous sense of gratitude for the regression and Laurie, and plan to work with her again. If you are contemplating a regression, I truly cannot imagine a better guide than Laurie Wheeler.”

— Millie Z.

“I was drawn to experience Laurie’s work after hearing her offer an on line hypnosis with the dolphins. Today’s experience brought me closer to myself. Where I went in my journey now provides a tether to access my essence, my heart,  in a world where I can feel like a foreigner. I feel centered in myself and I am curious as to how I will interface in the world and with human beings from this new found and yet always present and known place.

The journey highlighted what, deep in my soul,  I already know. And yet, how affirming to find this reservoir of knowledge and home through my experience being with Laurie. Thank you, Laurie. I look forward to other journeys with you, when I am again called.”

- Rosalind, MA

"I want to thank you again, for “facilitating” energy movement. It was amazing. I felt lighter and calmer last night and this morning. Kept a white candle burning in the bedroom for a bit… How I love meeting my teachers along the way in this lifetime."

— Donna F., Colorado

“Laurie is a powerful doctor of homeopathy. One issue Laurie helped me address was hormonal for menopause and perimenopause. Overnight, I went from dependency on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) drugs, which I knew were not good for me, to homeopathic remedies that boost my own body rather than shutting it down. When I tried to wean off those prescription drugs by cutting a corner off my Estrogen patch, I ended up with a regular period with cramps – it was awful. Homeopathy has been totally different – and a comfortable transition. One day of a little light spotting, an occasional mild hot flash, and now after only a few weeks, I’m weaning down on the homeopathic hormone boosters too. My own body is starting to make the hormones I need to feel great at age 56. I’m so excited about it and I want everyone to know about this alternative. It works, it’s easy and you don’t need to pay for those expensive HRT prescriptions for years and years. Every woman who has these issues owes it to herself to try the homeopathic approach.”

— J.F., Mashpee, MA

“I have been burdened with emotional pain since I was a young girl. I’m saddened and get headaches every year at Christmas and didn’t know why. Laurie helped to uncover the reason, both in my physical body with headaches and the incident where it all began. I am truly grateful and now I can enjoy my holiday.”

— J.S., Kittery, ME

“The benefits I have received from homeopathy are relief from chronic depression and anxiety that I have had all my life. I was taking anti-depressants, like Prozac®, and they did not seem to help at all with my suffering. I thought I would need to be on medication my entire life.​ Homeopathy has greatly aided in removing blocks that cause emotional and physical symptoms. I find Laurie to have an amazing gift in her ability as well as being a person of integrity.”

— Susan V. New Jersey

“I have been through several personal experiences which left me with the normal feelings of pain and loss. I personally have healed in many ways with homeopathy and continue to use it. I view homeopathy as a necessary ingredient to personal growth. Laurie’s sensitivity to personal circumstances, and her love and kindness only add to the experience. I will forever be grateful for having experienced the unique gift that she has given me.”

— Joe A. New York

“I’ve been working with Laurie for over a year. I am against using any chemotherapy or radiation. I came to her with a tumor in my breast, allergies, and digestive issues. I am happy to report that the tumor has shrunk considerably and is now benign. I am feeling better overall and very positive about my treatment. I would recommend this form of holistic medicine.”

— LW, New Mexico

“I am pleased with the results of the holistic services I have received from Laurie Wheeler. My sessions with Ms. Wheeler have identified areas of change, continued progress or new areas for improvement. She is insightful and her supplements created the energetic catalyst for my progressive change. Her wealth of knowledge and extensive experience in working with a person and the energetic field has yielded for me subtle changes that may not be noticeable at first glance but taken in its totality reveal substantial changes that has stabilized my mood and provided me with enhanced sense of well being. I highly recommend her services.”

— J.D.

“For the past 23 years, the Center for Wildlife has treated and rehabilitated thousands of wild animals. We started not only to use homeopathy but to learn more of how to treat our animals with Laurie treating and teaching us of this process. We have seen tremendous results and especially with those animals and birds that come in with head trauma. We are convinced that it works so well and is our first form of medicine we treat with. We have had many successful rehabilitations.”

— K.M., York, ME

“I have been using homeopathic treatment for some months now and during that time my thoughts on it have shifted greatly. At first, I was very skeptical about it doing much to alleviate my symptoms that come with my addiction and anxiety. It was not an overnight solution, but after working with Laurie for a few weeks, maybe a month, I started to notice slight changes. The remedies I used alleviated a good amount of my anxiety and physical symptoms from my drug use history. It has definitely positively benefited me and I can say for sure I am in a better place both physically and mentally than I was this time last year. My hands don’t sweat nearly as much, I don’t have severe anxiety all the time, and I have a lot less constipation (from methadone) and as a result a much better appetite. If there is anyone who is struggling with addiction and is having trouble with symptoms of getting clean, I would definitely suggest this course of treatment, as it seems to actually heal the body rather than mask the symptoms. It may not happen overnight but it will happen.”

— Tim D., N.Y.

“Laurie has channeled for me several times and I’m always amazed at what comes from it. It’s always a delight to hear what she shares in her messages. She has been spot on each time and I can count on what she expresses.”

— T.R., New York

“I want to thank you for guiding us into a wonderful experience. It was exactly what we needed to continue to grow and evolve in these matters of Spirit. I have been able to talk to several members of the group and they all account for an increased ability to apprehend the spiritual world.”

— Tom S.-Physician Asst., - Los Alamos, NM

“I want to tell you about an experience I had - an “AHA” moment I had as a result of one of your journey circles. After an incident with my ex-husband, I realized how much anger I was still carrying around with me, and a flood of forgiveness toward him just bubbled up out of me. I called and told him, “I forgive you for everything, all that I held against you in the past.” We had a wonderful conversation afterwards and I now feel we can both move on. I am looking forward to our next journey circle together. There is an old saying that when the student is ready, the teacher appears. Thank you for appearing in my life at just the right time.”

— C.D., Portsmouth, NH

“As to how I'm doing: I have had numerous interesting experiences with my voice. I went to an ADHD conference offered by MGH a couple weekends ago. It was an interesting experience - I have gone to these things many times before and often feel isolated in that crowd (MD's are not friendly towards nurses, etc). This time, I felt quite at home chatting w/several doctors and went to lunch both days w/different ones. It was a level of self assurance I don't usually have and it was quite enjoyable.

I have also gotten my voice back literally. I belong to a meditation group and have led chanting and kirtan over the years. For the past several years, I have not been able to sing as my voice gets hoarse and cracks. I can't hit any high notes - no sound comes out. This has been a big change for me since I have a sweet singing voice and people have commented on it since I was a kid. Now it is back. I can sing again and I think that this is a really important gift to have been given back to me.”

— Rita, Newburyport, MA Psychotherapist

“I'm feeling not only light but also "outward," a word which I don't particularly like, therefore I prefer to use the word "embracing." Quietly embracing. In retrospect, this feeling of lightness, which came with the feeling of "detachment," was bestowed upon me a few days after you worked with me. It took a few days until the work manifested upon me. Usually, it comes from within myself, but I felt something came upon me and took the "attachment"out of my field. I'm grateful for your help, the art of healing. Thank you, Laurie.”

— S. Desuyo ~ VA

“Wow! My mind is blowing, swirling - this is so validating - so many things I'm remembering that my soul has forgotten. Now that I think of my past, it all makes much more sense to me. Everything is falling into place!”

— Karen

“So impressed with the accuracy of my reading and very grateful for the experience.”

— Sheila

“I came to Laurie in a state of confusion about my purpose and direction after the Covid crisis hit. Without external guidance from the outside, going within is so helpful. Laurie was wonderful and really listened to me and guided me through the process. It was a beautiful experience. She helped me see a vision of my higher purpose which has helped me in so many ways moving forward. The experience has caused a ripple effect of clarity in my life and has been such a blessing. Thank you, Laurie!”

— P. Luna

“I want to thank you for helping me connect to myself and my beautiful soul. It took me a while to reconnect to my body when I got home. Now I know my sister, Lisa, is always with me. I am now clearer about negative connections with controlling ETs and original human family members. I need to continue to detach from the negative and move into the light of my soul’s purpose and pure love. I have waited my whole life to be free of negativity and connections to the dark beings who like to control more than help. With Gratitude.”

— Robin - Colorado

“It's been almost a week, so here is what I felt. I did feel a lot calmer after, like a lot of anger had left me. I did feel my heart open up and I do like the feeling, yet I get scared from this huge sense of vulnerability.”

- (D.R. - NV) Soul Retrieval

“Laurie is a talented practitioner with a fantastic business. We had her on our Balance Your Life TV show and she was amazing. She’s an incredibly knowledgable guest—she gave a lot of great information to our viewers about several different modalities that she does. Likewise, I have had an individual experience with her and it was extremely eye opening and insightful. I highly recommend her services to all.

- Deb Peterson - Wellness Gala - TV

“Such a connected, intuitive and informative experience. You will definitely go to places you have never been before!”

- Darrel

“I experienced Laurie as very supportive of my unique life perspective which encompasses a broad spectrum of otherworldly experiences. Her appreciation of consciousness expansion lead to rich explorations and a sense of connectedness with our collective human evolution.”

- Nadi

(On the Mt. Shasta Retreat): “It was transformational for me. I loved every single second of it and I can’t wait to hear what is next on your agenda!”

- D. Brown

“I had the most incredible experience working with Laurie Wheeler.  I had no idea what to expect, never having done a past life regression. Laurie brought me into a deep calm hypnotic peace where we were able to access several past lives as well as my higher soul self. One life where I remembered living my purpose and dying with no regrets. It was extremely powerful to access that feeling and the sense of knowing I now have. Laurie is an incredible healer, teacher, and guide. I can’t recommend Laurie enough she is a deep and clear channel! This information can now serve me on my mission as a light leader!”

- Nicole Keating, Sourcitarian